The 2025 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being is an interactive tool that delivers a current and comprehensive picture of children’s health, education, and welfare in every one of California’s 58 counties.
With county-level data mapping tracking 40 key indicators of child well-being, over time and by race and ethnicity, the Scorecard lets you quickly see and compare how kids from every county are faring and where in California kids could use more support.
For any questions, please email [email protected].
The 2025 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being reflects the collective efforts of all Children Now staff, with special thanks to our policy experts who contributed whole-child policy expertise in health, education, child welfare, and early childhood.
Strategic direction, project oversight, and communication strategy by: Kelly Hardy, Jurnee Louder, and Ted Lempert
Research, data analysis, and project management by: Jurnee Louder and Kelly Hardy
Interface design and development by: Jack Leng
2025 back-end system update by: Aardonyx Software
Visual design by: Nima Rahni
Thank you
Children Now would also like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their contributions to the development and dissemination of the 2025 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being:
Beth Jarosz, Nathan Porter, & Alicia VanOrman, Population Reference Bureau; Map colors based on www.ColorBrewer.org, by Cynthia A. Brewer, Penn State; Rebeca Cerna, Ben Trigg, & Cindy Zheng, WestEd; Staff, California Department of Education; Staff, California Department of Health Care Services; Staff, California Department of Public Health; California HPV Vaccination Roundtable; Daniel Webster, California Child Welfare Indicators Project.
We would like to thank the following foundations for their support of our California research: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Joseph Drown Foundation, The California Endowment, the Gates Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Hurlbut Johnson Charitable Trusts, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, San Diego Foundation, Silver Giving Foundation, the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust, Skyline Foundation, Sunlight Giving, and the Hellman Foundation.
Special thanks to all of Children Now’s generous individual supporters who help make our work possible.
Children Now acknowledges that the findings and conclusions presented in this report are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our funders, sponsors, or donors.
Special thanks to Children Now’s Board of Directors and Leadership Council.