Our Story

Children Now harnesses collective power to achieve transformational and systemic results for California’s kids as one of the country’s most impactful kids’ nonprofits.

Our kids deserve a future where they can reach their full potential with no limitations. One with accessible health and child care, high-quality education, strong mental health services, and equity across all institutions. But too often, efforts to achieve these goals are too disconnected to demand policymakers’ attention, and kids are not prioritized when critical decisions are made.

Led by our experienced policy and government relations teams spanning health, education, early childhood, child welfare, and a range of other areas, we learn from kids and families where they need support and lift up solutions to policymakers with the power to act. Then by coordinating collective action campaigns that unify the many voices in support of kids into one powerful message, we get policy change enacted and implemented effectively – and improve the lives of California’s kids.

Our Approach

Our unrivaled connector model, informed by the most-successful interest groups, gives kids’ issues the power and priority they’ve never had. With this model, we have consistently pushed kids to first place in policymaking and delivered transformational victories for California’s children. 


Represent All Kids at All Ages

Our whole-child approach focuses on improving kids’ lives at every age, from before birth through their mid-twenties, because to reach their full potential, kids need the right supports at the right times. We then do so across the full-range of issues affecting their early childhood, health, education, lives in foster care, and wherever better policy can help them succeed. 


Build Power for Kids in Policymaking

Our field-leading Government Relations team connects the needs of kids to the policymakers who can make change happen. Using trusted relationships, strategic knowledge, and simple but effective “Pro-Kid” messaging that clearly and forcefully identifies which bills are best for children, we get policy passed that prioritizes kids.


Listen and Lift Up Solutions

Through built connections with more than 75 coalitions across California, we learn how kids and families can best be supported. Our team then comprehensively researches the issues affecting kids, develops policy solutions, and shares our findings extensively, including directly with state and local leaders who rely on them.


Activate the Strongest Kids’ Advocacy Network in the Country

To powerfully show policymakers the widespread support that exists for kids, we created The Children’s Movement of California, the largest and most diverse network advocating for children in the nation. Composed of thousands of organizations and individuals unified to act on behalf of kids, The Children’s Movement uses its collective voice and strength to push policymakers to prioritize kids and provide the supports kids need to improve their lives and future.

Anti-Racist Policy Vision

Systemic racism is the primary obstacle to all kids reaching their full potential. We believe it is critical to advance equitable solutions that break down these barriers and allow all kids to thrive. 

Meet Our Team

With decades of experience in their areas of focus and a unified passion for ensuring a bright future for all kids, our team works in tandem to research issues, develop solutions, and implement lasting change that benefits California’s children.

Group photo of Children Now team laying on the grass at a park on a hot day in Berkeley, CA

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